Though the KJ has access to usernames/passwords, they still wouldn't know which username is assigned to you. Should you forget your password (didn't submit an email to retrieve it), the KJ might ask you to prove that you are in fact (for example) "BirdDog" by describing the songs that BirdDog sings. But again BirdDog's songs might be very similar to others. It's best to just keep things simple - Username:BirdDog and Password:ChaseCat (So you don't forget ). Also usernames and passwords are not case senitive and there are no cookies used here. (So 25 minutes of inactivity would make you have to log back in). The advantage of using this application is that unlike saving it to a PDF, you can tag your songs as "Country", "Upbeat", "Romantic", etc. and make notes about them like: how well you did or whether you lowered it 2 steps, etc.. You can also send your song to the KJ for the queue from within it. (if the KJ has enabled that feature)


Temporary Song List